Back to School Prayer
Hello Everyone,
It's hard to believe that it's September again! Like most schools, this week will be the first week of the new school year at Simon Fraser University. It is also one of the most important weeks for our Campus Ministry as the contacts that we make this week will have a significant influence on the tempo of our ministry for the rest of the year. A lot of work and prayer has already gone into preparing for the arrival of students at SFU this week. We would like to ask you to join us in praying. Here is how:
Spiritual Interest Questionnaires (SIQ)
Starting tomorrow, Tuesday Sept 5, at 8:15am (PST) (and continuing throughout the day and week), we will be going into various first year classes and handing out a little questionnaire (SIQ). It asks students what they believe about God and gives them the opportunity to leave their contact information if they are interested in talking more about God or attending a Bible Study. Our goal is tosurvey the entire first year class (over 2000 students)during the first week of class. For many students, this is the time that they are exploring their values & beliefs. We have had so many students get involved with us or come to know Jesus as a result of the questionnaires.
Please pray that we won't have any trouble with professors interfering. Pray that students will not be afraid of what others might think if they want to fill the SIQ out. Pray that God would really work in the hearts of those who get this opportunity. Pray for Christian students to have boldness to stand up for their faith.
Real Life Kits & Week of Welcome
Once again we will be handing out our Real Life Kits at the "Week of Welcome" on Wednesday and Thursday (Sept 5 & 6). The kits contain a New Testament, an highlighter and pillowcase, a Gospel Tract, and a choice of "The Case For A Creator" (Lee Strobel) or "Soul Cravings" (Erwin McManus). We hope to hand out 1500 of these kits at SFU, and 27,000 on campus' across Canada.
Please Pray that we would have good weather. Pray that as students fill out a little questionnaire with the kit that they would be interested in talking about Jesus or leaving us their contact info. Pray that students would see the spiritual interest of their peers and get interested themselves.
Last year we saw 250 students come to faith in Christ across Canada. This year we are trusting God to see 500! Please pray for this through out the year by joining our National Campus Ministry Prayer Chain. You can find about all about it and sign up to be a part of Campus Ministry History by clicking HERE. Or by copy and pasting into your browser.
Thank you for your faithful prayers and support. We couldn't reach SFU and the Universities across Canada with out you.
Gary , Lynda and the Campus for Christ SFU Staff Team.