A Summer Update

Maiya's 2! She was so excited about her Butterfly Cake that Mommy made! Happy Birthday Maiya!
Hello everyone,
We hope you are having a great summer! Here is a summer update to share what God has been doing in our family and ministry since our last newsletter:
First, a little family news… Maiya just turned 2! We had a great birthday with all of her cousins and grandparents! Anneke is doing great and Lynda has been doing a fantastic job of getting Anneke to use the potty already! Lynda and I are excited to be celebrating our 4th wedding anniversary this month.
A little ministry news: Thank you so much for investing into God’s eternal Kingdom through your faithful partnership and prayers for us, and the campus ministry. Lynda and I are very excited for what God has been doing through the campus ministry at SFU, and across Canada. With 245 Canadian students recently coming to faith, 40 graduating students joining us as Campus Ministry Staff and over 260 students going on summer mission’s projects, we are experiencing God working in incredible ways.
I recently learned through Jordan (one of our SFU students), who just returned from a six week mission’s trip in a large, closed country in Asia, that 132 university students trusted Jesus for their first time during the trip! I will tell you more about it on our Blog over the next few days.
We have a few very exciting new ministry opportunities that we would like you to help us pray for. The first is to create and direct a “Does God Exist?” Media Campaign based on the latest scientific discoveries in Intelligent Design Research. This engaging outreach will be used for all of our campuses across Canada starting this fall. As part of the campaign, we will be giving away 30,000 of Lee Strobel’s “The Case For A Creator” through our Real Life Kits this year.
I will also be designing and directing a national media campaign based on Erwin MacManus’s new book and video series, Soul Cravings. (www.soulcravings.com) I will give you more details about this project as they develop via our Blog.
A special Prayer request:
As our ministry of proclaiming God’s love and good news expands from SFU to Campuses across Canada we are guaranteed to experience an increase of spiritual warfare in our family and ministry. For example; at the peak of our “Everyone Has A Story” outreach at SFU last year, I received news that my identity was stolen and being used to purchase new trucks around Vancouver. I was completely distracted as I had to work fast with the RCMP to stop the thousands of dollars of damage the thieves had caused. The timing of this was no accident.
Could you please keep us in prayer over the coming months as our influence is expanding from SFU to over 26 campuses across Canada? Please pray that God would protect our family and ministry from spiritual attack. The spiritual warfare could come through a variety of areas; finances, our marriage relationship, health and even nightmares for the kids. We are not worried, but we also realize the reality of the spiritual battle we are all in. It is more obvious during the time of our larger outreaches. Prayer is the most effective weapon against the powers of darkness.
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm…
Ephesians 6 vs. 12 -14
Please also pray for creative wisdom as I (Gary) design and direct these very influential campaigns. Please pray that God would use them for His Glory and that we would see even more students start a fruitful lasting walk with Jesus Christ. Please also pray for our financial support as this is an area that Satan could easily attack us if it does not remain strong. (This isn’t an appeal, just a prayer request; we appreciate your partnership very much)
We would love to hear from you and pray for you! We have family prayer time every night as we put the girls down to sleep. Please let us know how we can be praying for you and your family!
May our good and gracious Lord pour out His Spirit and blessings upon you as we all proclaim Christ’s love everywhere!
Gary, Lynda, Maiya and Anneke
Serving with Campus For Christ, Canada.