Friday, April 20, 2007

Encouraging links on C4C at Vtech

Here are a few links to the US Campus Ministry Website that features a blog on the C4C community and how students a coping at Virginia Tech after the April 16 tragedy:

I am sure you will be encouraged through these links. Thank you for praying for the students and C4C staff at Virginia Tech. I will keep you posted.

God Bless,


Thursday, April 19, 2007

Campus For Christ students at VTech

Here is some very sad news about the recent shooting tragedy at Virginia Tech. Apperantley 4 Campus for Christ students are among the victims. Hearing about this really brings this tragedy much closer to home. Please keep the students of Virginia tech and their families in prayer at this time.

From the US Campus Ministry Website:

The staff team at Virginia Tech have asked us to specifically pray for the following things:

The families of the students who were killed.
The students who were injured and still in the hospital.
4 students that were involved with Campus Crusade were killed. Please pray for their families and friends.
Survivors of the shootings who witnessed the horrors of that day. Pray for God's grace and comfort.
Pray for wisdom for the Campus Crusade staff member and other campus ministers and pastors as they seek to counsel and love the hurting students

Virginia Tech Tragedy Update

Updated: 19.Apr.2007 at 10:16 a.m. EST
19.Apr.2007, 1:07 a.m. EST

By Tony Arnold, Campus Ministry PR

Thank you all for your prayers. They are both felt and very needed.

Molly taped 2 interviews Wednesday--one with CBS and one with ABC. Each one took almost 2 hours. The interviews were emotionally exhausting for Molly and anyone involved.

Molly is a freshman that is involved in the ministry of Campus Crusade at Virginia Tech. She lived next door to the first victim of Monday's shootings.

Watch Molly's Story

You can now watch ABC's interview with Molly. It mentions her involvement with a Christian Bible-study group.

You can also watch the CBS interview with Molly Donohue on their Web site. It's a short, 1 ½ minute package that aired Wednesday night on the CBS Evening News with Katie Couric. The CBS coverage was changed from what they'd originially planned by the breaking news of the DVD the gunmen sent to NBC.

Some members of the film crews, producers and correspondents have been visibly moved by Molly’s story. I’ve received calls from New York and D.C. from producers who have been overwhelmed by the raw footage or the comments of those who participated in the interviews.

I've had some incredible conversations with media people.

19.Apr.2007, 12:40 a.m.

Taken from Cynthia Thomas' blog, staff member at Virginia Tech

At 10 tonight we met at the chapel for prayer and praise. I split off in a group of 5 girls, and none of them were really ready to pray I think. We prayed for the victim’s families.

One student who is attending a summer project with my husband and I to North Africa this summer, Tony, came and told me that he had received a support check in the mail that day from one of the Cru students killed. Wow. We were all really… I don’t know it was just a “wow” moment.

I stood outside with my husband and a student, Tim, and talked about how we were, and the student said something that I thought just summed up how I was feeling too. He said, “I mean, things were so great…” I just said, “Yeah they really were!”

A lot of us are grieving the loss of the way it was, and unsure of what “normal” will be. Afterwards, I was talking with one of the girls in my Bible study, Jessica, and she was very grieved but unsure of why since she didn’t know any of the deceased very well. Two of the girls she leads have been greatly impacted, losing one member of their Bible study and another member being traumatized by finding two of the dead. She mourned for them, feeling completely clueless of how to minister to them. I can relate to that. I feel like that too.

Two members of the Billy Graham rapid response team were here, and we all prayed for Jessica, which I really appreciated and I think she did too.

Oh, by the way, something I forgot to mention about our noon prayer time today. As we were finishing up our prayer time, Jeff, our director, says on the bullhorn, “now Franklin Graham is here with a message for anyone who wants to listen.” And there was Franklin Graham not 10 feet from me! To be honest, I was a little starstruck. I thought to myself, “Heck, yes, I’ll listen to what Franklin Graham has to say!”

Franklin Graham shared with us a little from scripture, specifically John 3:16 I remember, just telling us that God loved us and was in control, but he had no answer for why this happened.

If I could see over the photographers that were standing between us and him, I’d probably have enjoyed it more, but all of us were really honored that he came to minister to us.

I think that was when it really hit me how big of a thing this is internationally. I mean, its a big thing for us in Blacksburg, but I’m realizing its a big thing for everyone in America, and around the world.

It’s strange to be somewhere where history is in the making. Well, it’s for the birds if you ask me. I’d give anything for life to be as it was a week ago.

A note about the Virginia Tech Tragedy

Here is a quick note from my co -worker Jackie about what our Campus Internet ministry is doing to reach students who are feeling affected by the tragic shootings at virginia tech:

Hi Friends, Family and Supporters,

It’s been sad week of shock and mourning with the news of the Virginia Tech massacre. We’ve all been affected tremendously.

We here in the internet ministries have been banding together to respond to people who are going online to search for information, answers, perspective.

On we quickly put together an article in response to VTech that includes other article resources and links to our mentoring program.

Also in partnership with TruthMedia we’ve made available a blog where people can express their thoughts and find some counseling from Christians who monitor the blog.

One of more recent and creative initiatives iamnext has taken is going on Facebook (where MANY students are hanging out and connected) and posting messages like “hey I found this great article that might help people work through this issue personally, here’s the link”.

We’re going to get the word out by messaging the iamnext Facebook group (300+ members) and we’ve also joined the Facebook group “A Tribute to those who passed in the Virginia Tech Shooting,” which has 38, 841 members.

Pray that we’ll think of other creative ways to reach out on the internet.

Pray that our efforts will be used by God to be a blessing to those who are mourning and looking for answers.
Thank you for your prayers.

In Christ,

Friday, April 13, 2007

Welcome to our world Anneke !

Hello everyone! I know that many of you have already heard the news... I am a little late sending this out. Let's just say it's been busy and napping has been a top priority!

Anneke Teresa Stevenson arrived on Wednesday, March 28th at 7:37am. She weighed 9lbs, 7oz!!! Mom now knows why she was in so much pain the last month...she is a big Girl!

Big sister Maiya loves to give her new baby sister lots of hugs and kisses. Thank you so much for praying for us!

Love Lynda, Gary, Maiya and Anneke!