March Ministry Update
Hello Everyone,
Thank you so much for your faithful prayers and support of what God is doing through the Campus Ministry at SFU and across Canada. It has been an exciting and very busy semester. However we are most excited about Maiya becoming a big sister! We are expecting our new addition any day now. The official due date is March 29, but Lynda would be very happy (and relieved) to meet our new baby today if she had her say in the matter! Please pray for perseverance and strength for Lynda as well as a safe delivery for both Mom and Baby.
Last month’s Porn Nation outreaches went very well as over 1000 students heard our speaker’s live testimony and multi-media presentation that reveals the truth about Pornography. The outreach includes a clear, relevant and very engaging presentation of the Gospel. Porn Nation was held at the Universities of Alberta, Saskatchewan and Calgary. 3 students indicated that they prayed to receive Christ at the U of Calgary event! Praise God! More stats and stories to come.
God is also using the videos that I made as a follow up resource for the Canadian Porn Nation outreaches. The six different videos addressing Questions such as: “Is porn harmful?” and “How does our hyper sex culture affect our relationships?” have been popular on Youtube and Myspace. In total the videos have been viewed over 17, 000 times since posting them in mid February. I have been encouraged to see that the most popular of the six videos has been the one that shares the Gospel. It is currently has over 5000 views within the past 2 weeks! Please pray that God would use the videos to not only reveal the truth about pornography, but to also bring people into His kingdom. You can view my PNCanada Youtube channel at:
Many of you may be wondering about the Campus for Christ fellowship Dinner invitation that you may have received. (Most of our ministry partners in the greater Vancouver area will have received one in the mail within the past 10 days) Our annual Fellowship Dinner is a great opportunity for you to hear how God has been working in the lives of our students. The funds raised through this dinner give us the resources we need to fulfill our vision and commitment of giving every student at SFU and UBC the opportunity to hear a clear presentation of the Gospel.
The Dinner will be at Broadway Church in Vancouver on Saturday March 31 at 6pm. I am sure that you will be greatly encouraged as you will have an opportunity to meet many of our students and hear first hand what God is doing through Campus For Christ at SFU, UBC and across Canada. If you are able to come please let us know ASAP or RSVP according to the invitation to: . Our RSVP deadline is March 25.
There will be an opportunity to give to the SFU Ministry at the dinner, but there is absolutely no obligation. Please note that the funds raised at this event are for the running of the ministry, and not for our personal support. We would love to see you there!
Thanks again for your encouraging prayers and support of what God is doing through us and the Canadian Campus Ministry.
We will keep you posted on the exciting baby news. I will be sending out a more detailed ministry update (with pictures!) within the next week or two.
Please let us know how we can be praying for you and your family.
God Bless You, Sincerely,
Gary, Lynda, Maiya and Baby? :)