Friday, September 08, 2006

A New Record!

Hello Everyone,

Thank you so much for your faithful prayers and support of what God is doing through the campus ministry at SFU. We have definitely started the new school year with a big Bang! Over the past 4 days we have given away over 1700 Real Life Kits! We originally had 1200 to give away but after giving 1000 away the first day we had to back to warehouse in Langley and get more!Praise God!

This years Real Life Kit contains a New Testament, a book by Josh McDowel about the Da Vinci Code as well as a Gospel Tract, Laundry Bag and a very cool Extreme Sports DVD. I had a chance to view part of the DVD the day before we started to give them away...Wow is it ever good! It features 12 very popular extreme sports stars that will definitely attract and connect with today's students. I was pleasantly surprised to see a very heartfelt interview with Mike Metzger. Metzger recently made freestyle motocross history when he was the first person ever to do a backflip on a Motorcycle. I didn't know that he was a believer!Each interview features their testimonies of how knowing God has changed their lives. It is exciting to get such good quality and relevant resources into students hands.

I had a great conversation with a Muslim student who came by the table when he heard that we were giving away "The DaVinci Code." He was quite surprised that a Christian club was giving away a book that he thought was Anti Christian. After confirming to him that it was not the DaVinci Code, but a book revealing the lies behind the Da Vinci Code. He then quite enthusiastically shared how his Girl friend was trying to convert him to Christianity but she couldn't answer his question. He then asked me if we could connect sometime on campus to see if I could answer his questions! In 3 years of ministry at SFU I don't recall ever being asked by a student to meet to talk about God! I am looking forward to meeting with him some time early next week. What a great way to start the school year.

Please pray for all the students who received a RLK this year. Pray that the seeds that have been planted will fall on fertile soil.

Thanks again for partnership. I will keep you posted, God Bless you, Sincerely,

Gary, Lynda and Maiya