The Power of Podcasting
As many of you know we are seeking to start a few new ministries with Campus Crusade for Christ Canada's Campus Ministry. We would really appreciate prayer for wisdom as there is incredible potential to reach hundreds of University students across Canada through Podcasting.
To share the power of Podcasting here is an update from Campus Crusade International:
Josh McDowell's The DaVinci Code: A Quest for Answers podcast has become the #2 podcast on the Apple iTunes site. This site is simply a directory of podcasts and music downloads. The actual files for the podcasts are hosted on servers at our headquarters. However, they are being moved to a system much better equipped for this high demand and service should be back to normal soon.
More than 100,000 people have subscribed to this DaVinci Code podcast. Nearly three-fourths of the total headquarters capacity is allocated to serving the podcast files. Please spend the extra few seconds praying for the hundreds of thousands who are exploring spiritual things or becoming better equipped at ministering to their friends.