Thursday, October 12, 2006

Real Life Kit Follow Up Party

Hello everyone,

Sorry I have not posted for a while. I have been sooo busy it has been hard to find the time. I will try to post at least once per week from now on.

We had our first "RLK" follow up Pizza/Phone Party on Friday after our weekly meeting. 15 of our students were willing to give up their Friday night to call the 800 students who volunteered to receive a phone call when they picked up one of our Real Life Kits during the first week of school.

After enjoying some Pizza, we spent some time teaching students how to do the follow-up calls. They completed a survey which asked questions regarding the contents of the RLK, and whether or not it encouraged them to be thinking more about God and the spiritual aspect of their lives.

Usually I spend my time during the phone parties going around encouraging and coaching our students as they they make the phone calls. Since our students were doing a great job, I was able to make some phone calls as well.

I had a number of very encouraging conversations. I talked to a number of students who were very grateful for the free RLK, and were interested in learning more about God and Jesus. Many of the students I spoke with were feeling very overwhelmed with school assignments and studies and didn't think they could make time to meet on campus.

My most encouraging conversation was with Ian. When I asked Ian what he liked most about the kit he answered "The book with the diagrams about God". I was a little puzzled by what he was referring to.

"Do you mean the little blue booklet that explains how you can have a relationship with God?" I asked.

" Yes"
he confirmed, "I really like how it is worded and its description of what stops us from knowing God in a real way."

It turned out that he was referring to the Gospel Tract. He says that the little booklet really peeked his interest in Jesus! Praise God! As we continued our conversation he said that he was also feeling overwhelmed with school and would like to meet maybe later in the semester.

Could you please pray the Lord would continue to give Shain, Ben, Devin, Roger and Ian an even deeper hunger to discover more about who Jesus really is and they would find time in their busy schedules to connect on campus. I was able to make 2 on-campus appointments that evening with 2 students who are excited about joining one of our Bible studies.

Thanks again for your prayers and support.

God Bless,

Gary, Lynda, Maiya, and Baby Stevenson


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