The start of something good!

We had our first retreat of the semester on Saturday and Sunday Aug 26-27. We rented a cabin in the middle of the bush on Mt Seymour. It was quite an adventure as not only was the cabin very old and rustic, but it had become home for a large family of mice. I was surprised to see the evidence of mice pretty much everywhere, especially through out the kitchen. That didn't slow us down at all though as we all had a great time preparing for another school year of reaching SFU with the good news of Jesus Christ.
Sixteen of our student leaders attended the retreat where we had the opportunity to build into them through workshops on how to lead a small group, team building, being a Christian leader and developing strategies for reaching key areas of our campus.
After the retreat was over we all went to SFU to pray for specific areas of the campus. I gave each of the students 4 pieces of of colored yarn to use as a spiritual markers as the claimed strategic areas for campus. Red symbolized Christ's blood that was shed for each student on our campus, Yellow symbolized light, and we prayed that God would use each believer on this campus to be a light to their peers, Orange stood for the conviction of the Holy Spirit and God's Grace. Green symbolized new life that is found in Jesus Christ.
As my prayer partner Ivan and I walked around campus we powerfully sensed the Lord guiding us and speaking through us as we prayed and claimed SFU for God glory. We started off in the interfaith center where we prayed for all of the believers who use the offices for bible study as well for the Muslim students who use the facility for prayer.
We also claimed Convo mall, the Peak office and the Out on Campus Club through prayer and colored markers that will remain as visible reminders of our prayers for some time to come .
It was so encouraging to see so many students become so passionate about reaching out to their peers and campus as they claimed SFU as God's territory.
Thanks so much for your prayers and support, we are looking forward to what God is going to do at SFU this year.
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