Bella is beautiful.

Lynda and I had the rare opportunity to get out and see a movie on Sat night.(All parents will relate)
Lynda had heard some good press about a Pro Life film called "Bella" . It has already finished it's theater run in the US. It is playing in limited theaters here in Canada for a short time before being released on DVD relatively soon. Honestly, it was one of the best and most refreshing movies that I have seen in the past ten years.
The acting, plot, storyline, musical score and cinematography were excellent. Most of all the message was fantastic. The basic story line from focus on the family's pluggedin online is as follows:
The name Bella means beautiful. And it's a word that does not in any way apply to Jose or his life when we first meet him. Scruffy and forlorn, Jose hasn't been the same since a tragic accident ended his promising soccer career. Now he's the head chef at his brother's fancy restaurant.
People worry about Jose.
Working at that same restaurant is a young, unmarried woman named Nina who does not want to be pregnant. But she is. And her morning sickness and late arrivals get her fired.
No one worries about Nina—except Jose.
Jose is drawn to the troubled woman and offers his help. She's suspicious of his intentions at first, but her situation and his quiet persistence motivate her to accept the proffered friendship. Still, she brushes off his gentle encouragement to let her baby live. Nina has come to the conclusion that if her life is ever going to be normal again she must abort her little girl.
This artistically low-key yet emotionally complex and compelling story focuses on two friends—one damaged by the past and the other afraid of the future—who help each other make a pair of life-changing choices.
As true followers of Christ, we need to be a stronger voice for the unborn. I am sure that this movie will really help the viewer think clearly about the value and preciousness of life. I am so grateful that when I was born, abortion wasn't so easy in Canada,or else I may not have been here to celebrate and share God's amazing love, grace and goodness with you.
The sad part is that when Lynda and I went to see the movie on it's opening weekend, the theater was mostly empty. Go see Bella, bring a friend, actually bring 2 friends, spread the word, it could very well save a life of a child of God.
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