From Canada to the World

We hope you are encouraged through our News Letter. It has been a very encouraging semester of reaching and discipling university students. The Lord has been blessing us through seeing a lot of fruit in the Campus Ministry at SFU and across Canada. Over this past year we have seen an incredible amount of growth through out the campus ministry. 245 students have made decisions to follow Christ! 267 of our Christian students have have obeyed God's calling for Laborer's in his harvest field and are presently starting mission's projects in Calgary, Halifax, Canada,Panama, Africa and Asia! It is so exciting to see theses students take such a significant step of faith to spend their summer with the desire to multiply their faith and start campus ministries on Campuses around the world. For more info on what God is doing through the summer missions opportunities click here.
The Pictures above are of one of our Missions trips to Costa Rica.These pictures are of students reaching out to communities through showing the Jesus film and respomding to the Children who want t pray to receive Christ (Middle) Missions projects like these are always very faith building and very fruitful.
Please pray for all of the 267 Canadian students on missions projects this summer.Pray that God would use them and speak through them as they step out into a new country to share his good news. Thank you for partnering with us!
God Bless,
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